‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Coming to Cinemas This February

Scheduled to hit theaters on February 1, season 4 of The Chosen Remarkably, this marks the first occasion where an entire season of a television streaming series debuts nationwide in cinemas.

The upcoming season of The Chosen promises to take a more somber turn, coupled with moments of sorrow and unexpected twists for devoted fans, according to two producers who have been part of the project since its inception.

The Chosen: Season 4 (episodes 1-3) will be followed by episodes 4-6 on February 15 and episodes 7-8 on February 29.

The trailer, viewed over 1.7 million times on YouTube, offers glimpses into the plot, revealing leaders conspiring against Jesus, Judas pilfering from the treasury, and John the Baptist facing his demise. It also showcases Jesus resurrecting Lazarus and, in a separate scene, declaring, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” The trailer concludes with a poignant moment of Jesus shedding tears, propelling it to the No. 2 spot on YouTube’s “trending” chart.

The movie’s poster strikingly captures Jesus shedding a tear, symbolizing the emotional depth of the upcoming season.

“Season 4 is forging a new path, introducing a more serious tone,” shared co-executive producer Chris Juen with Christian news site ChristianHeadlines. “The initial seasons focused on introducing the disciples and establishing the narrative, but now, everything is reaching a higher intensity. Sorrow is becoming a prominent element. There’s a regal quality, a richer palette… The storylines are delving into deeper territories.”

Juen, along with business partner Chad Gundersen, who jointly own Out of Order Studios, are actively involved in the daily operations on set, with their names prominently featured in the opening credits of each episode.

“It’s a significantly larger season. Everyone knows the ultimate destination, right?” remarked Gundersen to ChristianHeadlines, alluding to the anticipated crucifixion and resurrection in future seasons. “We are aware of the climax and resolution, but the intrigue lies in how director Dallas Jenkins steers the ship, how the writers guide us on this journey, and how the characters respond to the unfolding events. I believe that will be a big surprise for many.”

The protagonist, Jesus, contemplates alone at night during Season 4 of The Chosen.

Elizabeth Tabish, who portrays Mary Magdalene, shared her insights on Season 4, stating, “There’s a lot of pain this season, there’s a lot of grief this season.”

“But there’s also hope and light,” she added. “It’s got some of my absolute favorite stories in the gospels.”

Season 4 faced the challenges of being filmed amidst the SAG-AFTRA actors strike, managing to miss only one day of shooting thanks to a waiver approved by the union. The Chosen qualified for the waiver as Season 4 is an independent production, not entangled with the major studios embroiled in the dispute.

Juen and Gundersen view the waiver as a small miracle. The strike coincided with the arrival of 600 extras—ardent fans of the show—scheduled to be on set.

“We had one day with 600 extras on set, shooting a massive scene with no actors,” recounted Juen.

Fortunately, the strike concluded in time to seamlessly integrate the extras into scenes with the main cast.

“The scenes turned out amazing,” Juen concluded.