How to release your Faith in God’s promises

Do you ever feel like God’s promises are just too big for you to believe? Maybe it’s because they seem impossible or maybe it’s because your situation seems too hard. The truth is, we all have doubts and fears about the future. This world can be a scary place where bad things happen to good people every day. But when life gets tough, don’t forget that God has made incredible and precious promises to you related to everything you could possibly need in life. Trusting in Him and His Word is key.

Know that God’s promises are for you

The Bible is overflowing with promises from God. In fact, thousands of verses in the Bible relate to God’s promises! The reason God has made so many promises to us is because he loves us so much and has provided everything we need. He wants a relationship with us and based on the fact that he knows what our future holds, he doesn’t leave anything up to chance.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s so easy to worry ourselves sick. Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” This is a practical verse and we can apply it to our lives by reminding ourselves that with God anything is possible. He knows what we need, he knows what’s best for us, and he wants the very best for us.

Keep reminding yourself of what God has already done

Always remember the good things he has done in your life. In every situation, give thanks. When you think of what God has done for you, it will be easier to trust that he will do the same (and more!) in the future. Never lose sight of His promises You may find yourself doubtfully thinking about a promise long after you’ve read it. Maybe it’s because life circumstances have changed and a verse that once brought hope. But get back in Faith. Read it again and again until the revelation hits your spirit – become convinced that God never lies!

NOTE: Remember your Faith always with a Mustard Seed Necklace

When we’re going through God’s process of learning and growing, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus so that we don’t grow weary. There are some things about God’s promises that might not make sense now, but if you continue to follow Him then He will always bring it to pass. Jesus describes faith as a mustard seed. It is the smallest of all seeds but once planted, it grows into a huge tree (Matthew 17:20). Don’t give up! It’s well worth the wait and God will always be faithful.